Get it right now
When the newest piece of equipment is crucial to your business, waiting for the funds to be available isn’t always an option. With financing, you won’t have to put forth a hefty upfront payment

Know what you’re paying each month
Financing allows you to plan and budget with a predictable monthly payment

Say no to the hassle
Getting a loan from a traditional bank is often not an easy process since there are usually a number of restrictions. With Financing through Direct Capital you can rest assured that the financing process will be simple.

Keep your cash reserves available
Paying for the equipment over time by financing means that there is no huge cash burden with your purchase. You’ll be able to keep your cash reserves clear for other expense or a rainy day

Take advantage of competitive rates
The best rates make financing a cost-effective solution

Reap some serious tax benefits
Financed equipment from Printomize America can be deducted as an operating expense in the period in which it’s paid, which reduces the overall cost. Payments are also treated as expenses on the income sheet so there’s no need to worry about deprecation.

3 Simple steps to get started 

  1. Apply online in as little as 3 minutes 
  2. Sign your documents electronically
  3. Get your equipment 

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