most common wellprint error codes
Peregrine DTF Printer

Most common WellPrint Error Codes

Some of the most common error codes in WellPrint and how to fix them. This works for the Peregrine series of printers.
Peregrine 24 inch (60 cm) DTF Printer Oven Control Overview
Peregrine DTF Printer

Peregrine 24 inch (60 cm) DTF Printer Oven Control Overview

Going over the controls on the Peregrine x2 and Peregrine x4 Oven Control panel.
MainTop RIP 101
Eyas2 DTF Printer

MainTop RIP 101

Overview on how to use the MainTop RIP software
Changing to a new film roll on your DTF Printer
DTF Printers

Changing to a new film roll on your DTF Printer

How to change out to a new film roll on your Peregrine DTF Printer. These directions work for all our DTF Printers
Peregrine 2 & 4 DTF Printer Startup Procedure
DTF Printers

Peregrine 2 & 4 DTF Printer Startup Procedure

This video outlines the step-by-step startup procedure for the Peregrine 2 and Peregrine 4 DTF printers. Follow along to ensure a smooth and efficient setup process for your printing needs. You can...
How to create your DTF spot color in Adobe Photoshop
DTF Printers

How to create your DTF spot color in Adobe Photoshop

Follow Kris as he shows you the step by step process on creating a spot color in Adobe Photoshop for your Direct-to-Film (DTF) Printer.